I seem to have an ongoing fascination with blended families. In my second novel, Dear George Clooney, Please Marry My Mom, Violet has to contend with her dad’s new wife and kids, and her mom’s new boyfriend. With Molecules I wanted to take the idea one step further, and actually have two families merge into one. It’s probably not too hard for me to figure out where this fascination comes from; my own parents are divorced and they both remarried. Now, my mom didn’t remarry until I was older and out of the house
(I grew up with her), but she married a man with four kids. I’m an only child and, don’t get me wrong, I love them all very much, but if all of this had happened when I was Ashley’s age . . . let’s just say I would have behaved far, far worse than Ashley! Also, as a parent, I’ve seen many families change and re-form. I guess all of those things were part of the birth of We Are All Made of Molecules.