And the last two authors of the 12 Author Days of Christmas are … Linda Bailey and Susan Juby. I had to do these two together, because even though they write very different books, they have more in common, at least with me, than they might think.
First of all, I met both of them through my TV work. I was familiar with Linda Bailey’s books before I ever met her, because my son (and I) were fans. Then, eons ago, I was hired to develop the Stevie Diamond mysteries into a TV show. It was so much fun. Sadly, like most development projects, it didn’t get made. But when I found out from a neighbor that Linda lived A BLOCK from my house, I got all fan-girly and actually showed up on her doorstep unannounced, and asked her to sign a pile of her books. When I look back, I’m amazed she was so kind about it! Susan I met when a producer called and asked if I wanted to be considered for adapting her “Alice, I Think” books into a TV series. I got twenty pages into the first book and begged for the job. That one did get made – only one season, which was a pity because it was just really coming into its own. But a lifelong friendship was formed.
Of course, another thing these two women have in common is that they are exceptional talents. I am in constant awe of Linda’s well of incredible ideas, most recently her “When Santa Was a Baby” book, which is destined to become a Christmas classic. I would love to worm my way into her brain. I am truly rather deeply envious of her seemingly endless creativity and ability to tap into the minds of young people. And I remember when I first read Juby, just thinking, “Holy sh-t, this is such a fresh voice.” Susan’s humor is truly unique – I proudly coined the expression, “Jubyesque” – but it is so much more than that with her writing. You sometimes don’t even realize right away that she’s writing about some very harrowing stuff … yet she does it with this light touch, and her characters’ voices are so alarmingly distinct. She is, frankly, brilliant (and she’ll hate me for saying so).
So fine, we’ve established that they’re talented, but we already knew that. Yet Bailey and Juby (hmm, perhaps they could be a P.I. firm?) have offered me, personally, so much more. I think for most of us children’s/YA authors, whether published or pre-published, we have a couple of people in our lives whom we treasure for all the small ways they have helped us, mentored us, guided us, been an ear. For me, it’s been these two.
Susan read my very first manuscript, “Word Nerd.” She knows how much she helped me after that – she basically helped me get published. She’s blurbed two of my books. She didn’t even complain when she got saddled with me on a short book tour this spring. 🙂 She lets me call or e mail when I need to run something by her, or whine. And she reads my manuscripts. Every. Single. One. And gives great, thoughtful notes.
Linda, poor Linda – we have both since moved, so we no longer live a block apart – now we live four blocks apart. She can’t shake me! I’m everywhere! Linda has been in the book world much longer than I have (me having had another career before this one, this is not a comment on age!), and I hope she doesn’t mind me using the word “mentor,” but, well, I just used it. Linda has seen pretty much everything. She has experienced the highs and the lows. When I am in a pickle about something, stewing over something, I always ask myself “WWLBD?” “What Would Linda Bailey Do?” We, too, have some epic phone calls, plus face to face meetings over pints at a local pub.
I treasure what these two women offer to me. And I have to reiterate, this world of children’s/YA authors really is that awesome. People are so shockingly generous and kind and funny and supportive. I know a lot of you have your own Bailey-Juby’s. If you don’t, well, start cultivating some friendships (though I don’t recommend showing up unannounced on anyone’s doorstep, ahem).
I have mentioned 12 awesome authors over the past week, but believe me, I know so many more – and I know you do, too. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, Hannukah, Festivus, etc. – and may there be many, many books for you under the tree!!
I’ve really enjoyed reading your 12 days of authors. The articles and you, are so much fun, with a solid layer underneath.
Thank you so much Gisela! I’m so sorry I’m only seeing these comments now – lazy blogger (me).